Our Story
Ruby’s Chocolates was founded by Melinda Mueller in her kitchen. Melinda had been making chocolates and sweet treats for years before officially launching her company. She would regularly make chocolate confections for family and friends at Christmas time and loved concocting new recipes in her kitchen. Anyone who tried her treats was instantly hooked. “You should do this for a living!” she was regularly told.
But Melinda was hesitant to do so because of her history with an eating disorder. In her younger years, she had been hospitalized with anorexia, so the idea being around desserts 24/7 caused a great deal of worry and hesitation. Nevertheless, God had a way of dropping her right in the middle of her biggest fear just to show her how strong she truly is.
In 2008, just before Melinda’s dear brother passed away, he professed to his sister that he wished he had done something more with his life. Melinda’s love for her brother inspired her to finally go for her dreams, leave her career in fashion and design, and open up her gourmet chocolate company. She opened up a business bank account with just $25 and went to work. Her goal was, and still is, to create chocolates that not only look divine, but taste even better.
From our corporate office based in Hamilton, Ohio, we use our combined God-given talents to offer you our very best. Our signature red chocolate "Ruby" is our personal assurance that each chocolate creation is made just for you!
Melinda and her oldest son Sina at the Oakley store location
Who is Ruby?
Melinda is frequently asked by customers if she is Ruby. Her response is always the same: “I haven’t done enough in my life yet to have something named after me!”
Ruby is Melinda’s grandmother. Melinda looked up to her grandma Ruby as one of the most important role models in her life, and the strongest woman she’s ever known.
And Melinda has had to pull from the strength of her grandmother many times throughout her journey. Not long after starting her business, her life took a turn. She went through a divorce, had to file bankruptcy, lost her car and home, and was left to live in her chocolate warehouse for over a year. During this time, Melinda’s friends encouraged her to go back to the fashion industry and collect a steady paycheck, but Melinda refused. Simply put: she LOVES making chocolates and gets so much joy seeing people’s reactions when they taste her treats. Because of her unique talent and belief in herself and her product, she pushed through the adversity...
And it’s a good thing she did because now, Melinda and Ruby’s are thriving.
Up until 2017, Ruby’s Chocolates was primarily sold in wholesale locations such as Dorothy Lane Market and Jungle Jim’s. Now, however, Ruby’s is excited to offer a retail location at the front of their warehouse in Hamilton and a store front in Oakley, Ohio. Customers can come and taste the chocolates, grab dessert to take home for the family, and say hi to Melinda and her sons!
Melinda’s grandmother and idol Ruby Taylor.
Melinda and her two sons, Sina and Tom